Bekijk vergelijkbare vacatures

Warehouse Employee morning

Looking for a job in the morning? This job will leave you time to do fun things! 😍 Your free afternoon starts at 14.00 p.m. And the gym? You no longer need it! You already had your workout during work. You earn € 13.27 per hour and on Saturdays you even get € 18.58. Yes! 💸 Curious? Start as a logistics employee at PostNL Nieuwegein. 👇

Important!: You have to have your own transportation.

What we offer
  • € 13.27 per hour, on Saturday even € 18.58!
  • 30% surcharge between 04.00 and 06.00 o' clock!
  • Travel allowance up to 6 kilometers
  • Working times between 04.00 and 14.00 o' clock
  • Lease bicycle via Tempo-Team
  • International colleagues!
Who you are

Of course you have big muscle. 💪 You will need these as a logistics employee! But you also have:

  • An  availability of at least 3 days per week
  • The ability to apply for a VOG (Certificate of Good Conduct)
  • Your own transportation. (car, bicycle or scooter)
What will you do

Very simple: sorting packages. From large to small and from light to heavy. Everything passes by during your working day. Oh yes, your workday does end early! At 14:00 p.m. you can enjoy the rest of your day. As a logistics employee you will, together with your colleagues, ensure that all packages leave the door on time. This way everyone who has ordered something receives it on time!

Where will you work

PostNL in Nieuwegein is located at Mobilisatiedok 4 in Nieuwegein. The factory is located beside the Lekkanaal and the A27 highway. It makes it easy to reach with your own transport. As a logistics employee at PostNL Nieuwegein, you will be working at the biggest warehouse in The Netherlands. Daily a big team of international people are working together to sort all the packages.

Job application

Are you interested in starting to work as a logistics employee at PostNL Nieuwegein? Apply quickly. I will contact you in 1 working day. You also have the chance to book an appointment on the phone by using the next page. Hope to speak to you soon!

Uiteraard staat deze vacature open voor iedereen die zich hierin herkent.


  • Je beheerst Engels



Wat wij bieden

€ 18,85
Je solliciteert via Tempo-Team, leuk! Om je sollicitatie af te ronden, maak je de eerste keer eenvoudig een account aan. Via je 'mijn Tempo-Team' account log je gemakkelijk in en solliciteer je de volgende keer nog eenvoudiger. Daarnaast vind je in je account de voortgang van je sollicitatie(s) en je persoonlijke gegevens. Dé manier dus om de best passende baan te vinden!tijdelijk

Vacature van Tempo Team